Nossos negócios
Escritórios Globais
Projetos concluídos
A CaSE é uma empresa líder em engenharia civil e estrutural. Fornecendo soluções inovadoras e de alta qualidade para projetos de infraestrutura em todo o mundo.
Presença Global de Empresas

Nossas equipes em todo o mundo, em diferentes fusos horários, trabalham juntas para acelerar e continuar a entrega de soluções eficazes.

Sede Nível 14, 15 Blue Street
Norte Sydney 2060 - NSW
P: +61 (2) 8259 0349 E: Contato: Craig Murray
Escritório de Queensland Suíte 8/19,
Rua Adelaide, 320,
Brisbane 4000 - Queensland
P: +61 (7) 3558 3380 E: Contato: Jonathan Davis
Escritório regional Caixa Postal 246
Tamworth 2340 - NSW
P: +61 (4) 3704 1661 E: Contato: Daniel Taylor
Escritório Vitória Rua Collins, 454
Melbourne 3000 - VIC
P: +61 (3) 9133 5900 E: Contato: Jonathan Davis
Escritório da Nova Zelândia 5/36 Unidade William Pickering
Caixa Postal 301-274
Albany - Auckland
P: +64 (7) 532 7210 E: Contato: Peter Schnell
Escritório do Reino Unido e Europa G14, Nova Casa Alderston, 3 Dove Wynd,
Bellshill ML4 3FB
P: +44 (141) 628 0968 E: Contato: Colin Henderson
Escritório dos Emirados Árabes Unidos Centro CZAR,
39º andar, escritório 29, uma torre, Barsha Heights,
Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos
P: +971 5853095093  E: Contato: Paul McQue
Escritório dos Estados Unidos 2700 Post Oak Blvd
Galleria Office Tower I
Houston, TX 77056
P: +1 (713) 478 4038 E: Contato: Colin Calder
Escritório da América do Sul São Paulo, Brasil P: +55 (11) 91077 0037 E: Contato: Joakim Dupleix
Estados Unidos
Escritório dos Estados Unidos 2700 Post Oak Blvd
Galleria Office Tower I
Houston, TX 77056
P: +1 (713) 478 4038 E: Contato: Colin Calder
Reino Unido
Escritório do Reino Unido e Europa G14, Nova Casa Alderston, 3 Dove Wynd,
Bellshill ML4 3FB
P: +44 (141) 628 0968 E: Contato: Colin Henderson
Escritório de Dubai
Escritório dos Emirados Árabes Unidos Centro CZAR,
39º andar, escritório 29, uma torre, Barsha Heights,
Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos
P: +971 5853095093  E: Contato: Paul McQue
América do Sul
Escritório da América do Sul São Paulo, Brasil P: +55 (11) 91077 0037 E: Contato: Joakim Dupleix
Nova Zelândia
Escritório da Nova Zelândia 5/36 Unidade William Pickering
Caixa Postal 301-274
Albany - Auckland
P: +64 (7) 532 7210 E: Contato: Peter Schnell
Sede Nível 14, 15 Blue Street
Norte Sydney 2060 - NSW
P: +61 (2) 8259 0349 E: Contato: Craig Murray
Escritório de Queensland Suíte 8/19,
Rua Adelaide, 320,
Brisbane 4000 - Queensland
P: +61 (7) 3558 3380 E: Contato: Jonathan Davis
Escritório regional Caixa Postal 246
Tamworth 2340 - NSW
P: +61 (4) 3704 1661 E: Contato: Daniel Taylor
Escritório Vitória Rua Collins, 454
Melbourne 3000 - VIC
P: +61 (3) 9133 5900 E: Contato: Jonathan Davis
Líderes em Engenharia Civil e Estrutural


Nossa equipe é composta por engenheiros altamente talentosos com experiência pragmática muito procurada.


Leading Civil & Structural Engineering Company

No CASE Engenharia Civil e Estrutural, we specialise in civil and structural engineering, offering superior and innovative solutions for infrastructure projects globally. Our skilled team of civil construction contractors and designers brings extensive experience and a strategic approach to every task. With a strong presence nationwide, including Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and extensive operations worldwide across the United Kingdom, the United States, Dubai and more, we are the preferred civil e estrutural empresa de engenharia na Austrália and internationally for complex infrastructure projects.

CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering: Areas of Specialisation

Every facet of civil and structural engineering at CaSE, international or local, is centred around excellence. Our specialised services, from serviços de projeto de engenharia civil para soluções digitais para engenharia e construção, are designed to meet the dynamic demands of modern infrastructure projects with an expert touch.

Comprehensive Design Services

Nosso pessoal de construção de engenharia civil e estrutural use the latest software, including BIM, to create high-quality and innovative solutions. Ourcivil e estrutural empresa de engenharia prioritises safety and efficiency with simple, easy-to-build designs, offering clear and implementable solutions across various specialisations, such as:

  • Civil Engineering: Our civil engineering company develops infrastructure projects emphasising durability and functionality.
  • Structural Engineering: Ensuring the integrity and longevity of structures through meticulous design.
  • Geotechnical Engineering: Assessing ground conditions to inform safe and stable foundation solutions.
  • Temporary Works Design: Our expert civil construction contractors deliver essential temporary structures for construction safety and efficiency.
  • Permanent Works Design: Crafting long-lasting structural elements for various types of buildings and infrastructure.
  • Digital Engineering: Leveraging cutting-edge digital tools to enhance precision in design processes.
  • Specialist Technical Advice: CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering provides insightful guidance to address specific challenges across the project lifecycle.

Construção Digital

Merging expertise and technology, our consultor de consultoria em infraestruturas deliver bespoke digital solutions to solve infrastructure challenges. Our civil and structural engineering company uses visual and interactive methods, including 3D modelling, for faster, safer, and more efficient project decisions across the project lifecycle.

Equipe de construção

Empreiteiros CaSE collaborates closely with clients to ensure the success of every project, allowing for seamless integration and timely, on-budget project delivery. Our construction personnel, including skilled managers, engineers and supervisory staff, are dedicated to excellence in every task they undertake.

Strategic Commercial Advice

Our commercial advice benefits from the extensive experience of our staff, who bring decades of pragmatic expertise to our civil and structural engineering company, for clarity and precision in project management. This expert guidance aligns with project goals, ensuring every aspect is handled with care from initiation to completion.

Tráfego e Transporte

From traffic management planning and road safety design to traffic control and comprehensive project support, we tackle each challenge with a strategy to ensure safety and improve overall project outcomes. With a bespoke approach, our transportation and traffic engineers and consultants support our clients through all phases of the project lifecycle, providing smooth and effective project execution.

Why Choose CaSE Contractors?

Choosing CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering means partnering with an international civil and structural engineering company known for its excellence. Our ability to solve intricate problems with simple solutions and adapt to fluctuating workloads makes us a trusted partner for success.

Streamlined Project Delivery

Our civil and structural engineering company is known for efficient project management and delivery. By integrating cutting-edge solutions for engineering and construction, we enable smoother and faster decision-making processes, which are critical in today’s dynamic construction environment.

Global Reach, Local Expertise

At CaSE, our international expertise and unified team across ten offices in seven countries enable us to deliver reliable, globally informed civil engineering solutions. Whether you need civil engineering services in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne or require commercial advice on large-scale projects worldwide, our vast network allows us to draw upon multinational resources, offering an experience thoughtfully tailored to each project’s local context.

Safety and Quality

Safety is at the core of what we do at CaSE. Our international and national projects adhere to strict protocols to ensure the wellbeing of the workforce and stakeholders involved in our projects. With CaSE, every civil and structural engineering project reflects quality and comprehensive security measures.

Our operations in Australia are guided by stringent ISO 45001 standards, complemented by our adherence to ISO 9001 quality management systems. These certifications and work practices reflect our dedication to maintaining a secure and high-quality project environment.

Sustainable Solutions

Our civil and structural engineering company is dedicated to developing solutions that meet today’s needs while preserving resources for future generations. Certified with ISO 14001 in Australia, we incorporate environmental management practices that minimise our ecological footprint during project execution. Our efforts demonstrate our commitment to eco-friendliness and sustainable development.

Agile Support

We understand that our clients face varying workloads and challenges. CaSE construction, in Australia and globally, provides agile support during peak periods to ensure smooth progression and timely completion of projects. Our team is adept at integrating seamlessly with project operations, helping to meet deadlines and achieve objectives, regardless of project complexity or scale.

Choose CaSE for International & National Engineering Excellence

Get in touch with CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering to elevate each infrastructure project through innovative solutions. Our global team of civil and structural construction contractors is equipped to support civil engineering projects, ensuring successful outcomes. Choose CaSE—an international and national quality partner in times of fluctuating demand.

Things to Know About Our Civil Engineering Company

How do I start a project with CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering?

To begin a project with CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering, get in touch with our team through the details provided on our Contact Us page. We will guide you through the initial consultation process, help define your project requirements, and discuss custom solutions to meet the project’s specific needs.

What are the advantages of working with our civil and structural engineering company?

Working with CaSE Civil and Structural Engineering provides access to a unified, global team of experts known for delivering advanced solutions. Our extensive experience across various sectors ensures all projects are handled with expertise, incorporating cutting-edge technologies, such as BIM and 3D modelling, to achieve optimal results.

Which sectors does our civil and structural engineering firm in Australia specialise in?

Our civil and structural engineering company specialises in multiple sectors, including airports, marine environments, rail, road, tunnels, bridges, mining and renewables, and building projects. With a comprehensive approach, we ensure high-quality solutions for public and private sector projects, as well as major government and municipal contracts.

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